If you live in Seattle, you know that. But in Palm Springs, you hear a lot of whining on rainy days. I actually like them. It gives me an excuse to stay in my reading chair with a warm alpaca wrap on my knees, and read all day.
But on this rainy day, we drove (yes, we got in the car and drove!) down valley to the Barnes & Noble to see if they had my book, The Rebel Nun, in stock. They did, and the wonderful clerk, Kristi (not sure if that's how she spells her name, shame on me!), asked me to sign some.
As some of you know, I self-published several (well, 10) novels before I finally found an agent and a traditional publisher. So, it's been quite a thrill to see my book in a bookstore, and not just as a tiny thumbnail on Amazon.com. And to get an advance! And great media coverage! It's an entirely different experience, for which I should thank my agent, Joelle Delbourgo, and my publisher, Blackstone Publishing (and Blackstone Audio) and my publicist at Blackstone, Lauren Maturo.
Now, of course, I hope the book sells well enough that I can get my next one published as well. More about that later ...
