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  • mcharlier1953

A great idea, a great service

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

I had never heard of the Campaign for the American Reader until the founder, Marshal Zeringue contacted me recently to offer me a spot on some of his features. But now that I know, I want to spread the word. What a great service!

As Marshal explains:

"The goal of this blog is to inspire more people to spend more time reading books. I'll try to do that by shining a little light on books that I like and think others might find worthy of their time and attention. I'll also ask some interesting people about what books they find interesting or useful. Most of us don’t need any encouragement to read more—we need more time. Yet encouragement does work for many people; and if you doubt that claim, I have two syllables for you: O-prah. And it’s not only Oprah, who created regular readers out of a mulitude of the otherwise idle, who has this power. Many of us read what we read because someone recommended it to us. With regular postings we hope not to merely recommend worthwhile books but to intrigue you, to give you some reason to seriously consider these books. Not every book discussed will be to your taste—we’ll range from the high-lowbrow to the low-highbrow, and cover fiction as well as nonfiction—but I hope enough of what you see here will stimulate your interest." (

I was recently honored to be asked to participate in the "My book, the movie" feature, the interview with Marshal, and the "page 69 test." You can see them all here: But more importantly, I hope you'll check out his blog site. Not only is this a great source for new reads, it's also a great service for writers whom the NYT Book Review won't ever pay attention to.

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